Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Busy weekend here

Finally! My first 100% English Angora project done! I'm thrilled to see my results. I started too too long ago clipping a couple of my bunnies, then spinning thier wool. All self taught, I then started to knitt a scarf out of it. I got what could have been a 3rd of the way through and decided it felt so heavenly that there was no way I'd be happy with it on the outside of my coat, I had to be able to feel it. So I ripped it apart and started my first ever pair of mittens. Having no clue what I was doing, I fumbed my way trying to figure how I could make them work. Then I realized I needed more yarn, so I went back to spinning-huge lesson what a diference in the end product. I was still determined to finish and here they are. I learned lots and can pick out every detail of my work both accomplished and fumbled through. Even though they're huge on my hands I just love them and look forward to my
next project. Maybe something a little simpler though.........My black doe spun up and into a patterned scarf..........hmmmm

And introducing the newest member of our home..........Nelson. He's a cockapoo, which I never thought I'd like. Our Golden Retriver, Klem, is showing huge signs of his 12 yrs and we've been talking about our choices if/when to get another dog, what kind and so on.......... Well, this guy almost litterally fell into our laps and hearts. He's 4 1/2 mos and in his first 24 hrs no accidents in the house. Yeah!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Old Timers Show-Syracuse, NY

On 11/08/08, we packed up and head back to Syracuse for the Old Timers Show. I'm so glad we did! It was held in the Toyota building at the NYS Fairgrounds which is used for cattle during the Fair, but it was so clean you'd never know it. What an awesome set up! The building is huge!!!! We only used maybe half the building and since it was raining that morning folks were allowed to drive right into the building to unload even. To top it off, Liberty Junction Annette-pictured above-earned BOB making her 4th leg under Judge Mike D'Amico!! Liberty Junction Mystic and Kellar had their show debut as 4 mo old Jrs and recieved some very nice comments as well and I can't wait to see how they develope.

Unfortunately it looks as though this is our last show in the area until January 2009. If anyone knows of any within 2-3 hrs of Dansville, NY - please, please, please e-mail me the information!!! I'd love to be there!

Please check out my web site http://ljangoras.tripod.com/index.html as I should be doing some updates within the next day or so with some specials on available bunnies.